In his last term, he did this with the EPA. Do you remember? And somebody who worked at the EPA found out before he was going to do this and downloaded the entire database. Then Trump ordered the EPA to scrub everything about climate change from the data.People who work at these organizations, the unsung heroes, these brave, brave people, need to download everything they possibly can. We have to preserve our science.

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Scientists won't take this sitting down.

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They can’t. It’s their life work and our life saving, altering, improvement data.

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I’m wondering how long this pause will be

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I was able to archive several large study PDFs.

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It’s a digital book burning.

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WTF?!?! They should not be purging data and resources. Those were researched and websites created with US Citizens tax dollars and should be publicly accessible to us as that’s valuable information for women. Ugh. I hate the timeline we’re on watching the country go backwards and fascism take over.

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Thank You!

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Thank you for this information!

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I am so worried for my great grandchildren who are grade school age and will be vulnerable over the next few years due to the blockade of science information. The thought of TB, polio, whooping cough and other diseases spreading through our society has me in shudders. I am old enough to remember the terror of the polio epidemic and waiting in line with my parents for the vaccine (sugar cube ) in the little paper cups. I also remember the stories of the iron lung machines and the people who had to be encased in them to stay alive. When I was working for my RN degree, one of my clinical rotations was at a respiratory specialty hospitals and had iron lungs there. It horrified me to imagine people having to live in those machines that resemble a casket. I’m not sure Americans today understand working together for the common good such as what was common place during the polio epidemic-it was rare for people to get enraged over taking a preventive vaccine back then. Covid broke American brains ( that’s what I tell myself anyway). The vilification of Dr. Fauci and other courageous doctors and scientists disgusts me and is not forgivable. Factual information is our armor against regressive policies and I am in despair that Americans voted this anti- science regressive regime power.

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Thank you so much for this public service. I will try to share it far and wide. It is horrifying.

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This is horrifying someone with the know how needs to be copying as much information as possible and yes, I realize this site is huge but to copy as much information as possible and should be rebuilding a site so that this information can be reposted

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A Wikipedia of sorts for scientist, so that the information is safe, but can be updated when new information arises

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So they remove information on healthy foods to eat while pregnant at the same time they are banning abortion. And they call themselves pro-life 🤔

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This is beyond concerning

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If I were a lawyer, I would make public a set of documents that allow private citizens the ability to individually file lawsuits against the man responsible for stealing the research, data and reports that our tax dollars have paid for.

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Long COVID data is missing too- CDC household pulse survey webpage showing long COVID prevalence by demographic completely gone

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Thank you - I'll hunt down that information and post it.

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This is horrifying, but not surprising to me. We are seeing factual information being ‘burned’ that is easy and accessible for the public to read. I hope they don’t remove resources like PubMed or any other public databases that show scientific results from journal publications, but only time will tell us.

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How do we help to preserve this information!?!

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Save the substack pages or email me at laughterinlight@gmail.com and I will send you the PDFs I have just archived that are no longer on the website.

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Thank you! Sending an email now. We need multiple back ups of these things. This is NOT okay.

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What a horror show!

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